FREE WORKSHOP: For Women Growing A Side Business So They Can Ditch The Day Job

FREE WORKSHOP: For Women Growing A Side Business So They Can Ditch The Day Job

FREE WORKSHOP: For Women Growing A Side Business So They Can Ditch The Day Job

Side Business Success
FREE 1 Hour Workshop

Discover the 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in a reliable income (even if self doubt has been holding you back and you’re not ready to quit your day job… yet)

Side Business Success Workshop
Side Business Success Workshop

Side Business Success
FREE 1 Hour Workshop

Discover the 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in a reliable income (even if self doubt has been holding you back and you’re not ready to quit your day job… yet)

It’s happening live online:

Wednesday, March 6th
6pm AEDT (Sydney)

It’s happening live online:

Wednesday, March 6th
6pm AEDT (Sydney)

This Free Workshop Is For You If:

This Free Workshop Is For You If:

This Free Workshop Is For You If:

  • You have experience, knowledge and expertise that you want to offer as a consultant, coach, or course creator

  • You want to have your own business for the next chapter of your work life, but your progress is slower than you’d like

  • You’re in the early days of a Side Business and you want a ‘blueprint’ on how to make it a reliable future income

  • You’ve had your Side Business for a while, but haven’t been able to grow it because you’ve been so busy with your day job, so now you really want to get more clients this year

  • You want your business to bring in reliable income before you quit your day job, but you’re unsure how to make the transition without putting yourself at financial risk (you’ve got bills to pay right!?)

  • You’ve got limited time, and a long ‘To Do’ list, so you want the essential steps to build a solid foundation to create your dream business faster

In This Side Business Success Workshop You’ll Discover:

In This Side Business Success Workshop You’ll Discover:

woman on couch with laptop
  • Your Solo Business Blueprint – Get the proven 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in reliable income – covering everything from how to get clients, the financials and managing imposter syndrome

  • The 3 biggest mistakes women make when moving from employee to business owner – and exactly how to handle them, so you can make your move and enjoy the freedom and flexibility of having your own business

  • Your Transit Plan how to know when you’re ready to ditch the day job and go ‘all in’ on your business – without sacrificing the lifestyle (and the travel!) you love

  • 2 Essential Mindset shifts to manage the inevitable doubts and overwhelm that growing a Side Business brings – so you can silence your ‘inner mean girl’, balance your day job and grow your business – without burning out
woman on couch with laptop
woman on couch with laptop

Free Live Online Workshop

  • Your Solo Business Blueprint – Get the proven 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in reliable income – covering everything from how to get clients, the financials and managing imposter syndrome

  • The 3 biggest mistakes women make when moving from employee to business owner – and exactly how to handle them, so you can make your move and enjoy the freedom and flexibility of having your own business

  • Your Transit Plan how to know when you’re ready to ditch the day job and go ‘all in’ on your business – without sacrificing the lifestyle (and the travel!) you love

  • 2 Essential Mindset shifts to manage the inevitable doubts and overwhelm that growing a Side Business brings – so you can silence your ‘inner mean girl’, balance your day job and grow your business – without burning out
  • Your Solo Business Blueprint – Get the proven 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in reliable income – covering everything from how to get clients, the financials and managing imposter syndrome

  • The 3 biggest mistakes women make when moving from employee to business owner – and exactly how to handle them, so you can make your move and enjoy the freedom and flexibility of having your own business

  • Your Transit Plan how to know when you’re ready to ditch the day job and go ‘all in’ on your business – without sacrificing the lifestyle (and the travel!) you love

  • 2 Essential Mindset shifts to manage the inevitable doubts and overwhelm that growing a Side Business brings – so you can silence your ‘inner mean girl’, balance your day job and grow your business – without burning out

Side Business Success
Free 1 Hour Workshop

Discover the 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in a reliable income

(even if self doubt has been holding you back and you’re not ready to quit your day job… yet)

Side Business Success
Free 1 Hour Workshop

Discover the 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in a reliable income (even if self doubt has been holding you back and you’re not ready to quit your day job… yet)

Side Business Success
Free 1 Hour Workshop

Discover the 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in a reliable income (even if self doubt has been holding you back and you’re not ready to quit your day job… yet)

Valued At $197 – Yours Free For A Limited Time

Live Online: Wednesday March 6th
6pm AEDT

Valued At $197 – Yours Free For A Limited Time

Live Online: Wednesday March 6th

6pm AEDT

Plus you’ll get $420 in Bonuses:

  • Side Business Success Workshop Workbook – Receive an online Workbook to guide you through the session so you can take notes and apply what you’re learning to your specific situation.

    Valued at $27

  • Live Q&A – Dedicated time to ask your most pressing questions and get answers and support from a business coach with thousands of hours experience coaching and facilitating workshops with small business owners across Australia.

    Valued at $197

  • Live Event – This is a Live event only with live attendees getting access to additional Secret ‘Side Business Growth’ Bonuses.

    Valued at $197

Plus you’ll get $420 in Bonuses:

  • Side Business Success Workshop Workbook – Receive an online Workbook to guide you through the session so you can take notes and apply what you’re learning to your specific situation.

    Valued at $27

  • Live Q&A – Dedicated time to ask your most pressing questions and get answers and support from a business coach with thousands of hours experience coaching and facilitating workshops with small business owners across Australia.

    Valued at $197

  • Live Event – This is a Live event only with live attendees getting access to additional Secret ‘Side Business Growth’ Bonuses.

    Valued at $197

Plus you’ll get $420 in Bonuses:

  • Side Business Success Workshop Workbook – Receive an online Workbook to guide you through the session so you can take notes and apply what you’re learning to your specific situation.

    Valued at $27

  • Live Q&A – Dedicated time to ask your most pressing questions and get answers and support from a business coach with thousands of hours experience coaching and facilitating workshops with small business owners across Australia.

    Valued at $197

  • Live Event – This is a Live event only with live attendees getting access to additional Secret ‘Side Business Growth’ Bonuses.

    Valued at $197

This Side Business Success Workshop is designed especially for you if you have knowledge, skills or expertise you want to offer in your own coaching, consulting or service business

This Side Business Success Workshop is designed especially for you if you have knowledge, skills or expertise you want to offer in your own coaching, consulting or service business

This Side Business Success Workshop is designed especially for you if you have knowledge, skills or expertise you want to offer in your own coaching, consulting or service business

It’s happening live online:

Wednesday, March 6th
6pm AEDT (Sydney)

Types Of Businesses That Will Benefit:

  • Coaches

  • Consultants

  • Authors

  • Practitioners

  • Therapists

  • Fitness or Health providers

  • Service Providers

  • Project Managers

  • Course Creators

  • Travel services

  • Designers

  • Online Business providers

  • Coaches

  • Consultants

  • Authors

  • Practitioners

  • Therapists

  • Fitness or Health providers

  • Service Providers

  • Project Managers

  • Course Creators

  • Travel services

  • Designers

  • Online Business providers

  • Coaches

  • Consultants

  • Authors

  • Practitioners

  • Therapists

  • Fitness or Health providers

  • Service Providers

  • Project Managers

  • Course Creators

  • Travel services

  • Designers

  • Online Business providers

  • Admin support

  • Educators

  • Virtual Assistants

  • Small Agencies

  • Business Services

  • Online support services

This Workshop Will Help You Feel Clear And Confident In Your Business

This Workshop Will Help You Feel Clear And Confident In Your Business


Taryn Jones
Virtual Assistant

“It gave me so much clarity”

I was at the very early stages of starting my business.

The fact I could do this session with expert guidance really appealed to me :) I loved that it was delivered in a bite sized, easy to understand and conversational way. It gave me so much clarity about what to be doing next!


Ameeta Gangaram
Digital Marketing Consultant

“I feel empowered”

Shandra has a way of making it really easy to understand business ‘concepts’ and how to apply them to your situation immediately.

Every time I work with her I learn more and feel empowered to do and achieve more.


Taryn Jones
Virtual Assistant

“It gave me so much clarity”

I was at the very early stages of starting my business.

The fact I could do this session with expert guidance really appealed to me :) I loved that it was delivered in a bite sized, easy to understand and conversational way. It gave me so much clarity about what to be doing next!


Ameeta Gangaram
Digital Marketing Consultant

“I feel empowered”

Shandra has a way of making it really easy to understand business ‘concepts’ and how to apply them to your situation immediately.

Every time I work with her I learn more and feel empowered to do and achieve more.

It’s happening live online:

Wednesday, March 6th
6pm AEDT (Sydney)

Frequently Asked Questions


– click each Question for the Answers…

You will always get the most value and benefit by being at the Workshop live, so there will not be a recording provided.
We know that ‘stuff’ happens, but we also encourage and reward action takers so there will be additional Bonuses for those who attend live.

This session will help you see what you need to focus on to create a solid foundation for your Business. If you’re at the early stage of your Side Business this session will be great for you – as long as you’re really excited and committed to creating your own business for the next chapter of your work life.

Congratulations! Getting your Side Business started and up and running is an amazing milestone! If your business is running, but not bringing in the level of reliable income you want it to, then this session will give you practical strategies and foundations to help you see where to focus to be able to increase your business income in a scalable way

We know there’s A LOT of workshops being promoted as live that are actually a recording, but this session will be 100% live so you can ask your questions and get genuine answers

The majority of our clients have an expertise ‘Service’ based business eg coaches, consultants, service providers sharing specific services, skills or expertise etc, however the core content frameworks you will go through in the Workshop are relevant to both Product and Service based business. eCommerce businesses may also need some specific traffic generation strategies not covered in this workshop.

What Other Women Business Owners Say:

What Other Women Business Owners Say:

Hi, I’m Shandra 

I’m Shandra Moran – your Workshop Host – Founder of The Transit Lounge, Business Coach and recovering workaholic…

After a successful career I made the transition to work for myself almost 9 years ago, so I know how exciting – and daunting – starting your own business later in life can be…

My own experience going from burnt out employee, to happy, healthy business owner has made me super passionate about helping women channel their knowledge, passions and expertise into their own business so they can earn great money, doing work they love, without burning out.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you to make the most of the next exciting chapter of your work life!

Hi, I’m Shandra 

I’m Shandra Moran – your Workshop Host – Founder of The Transit Lounge, Business Coach and recovering workaholic…

After a successful career I made the transition to work for myself almost 9 years ago, so I know how exciting – and daunting – starting your own business later in life can be…

My own experience going from burnt out employee, to happy, healthy business owner has made me super passionate about helping women channel their knowledge, passions and expertise into their own business so they can earn great money, doing work they love, without burning out.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you to make the most of the next exciting chapter of your work life!

Guest Speaker And Presenter For:

Side Business Success 1 Hour Workshop

Discover the 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in a reliable income
(even if self doubt has been holding you back and you’re not ready to quit your day job… yet)


Valued At $197 – Yours Free For A Limited Time.

PLUS Register now to get Bonuses worth $420

Side Business Success 1 Hour Workshop

Discover the 5 step system you need to confidently grow your Side Business to bring in a reliable income
(even if self doubt has been holding you back and you’re not ready to quit your day job… yet)


Valued At $197 – Yours Free For A Limited Time.

PLUS Register now to get Bonuses worth $420

Side Business Success
FREE 1 Hour Workshop

Feel confident you can grow your side business to be a viable, profitable full time business

Valued At $197 – Yours Free For A Limited Time.

It’s happening live online:

Wednesday, March 6th

6pm AEDT (Sydney)

Earn good money, doing work you love, without burning out.

It’s happening live online:

Wednesday, November 15th
6pm AEDT (Sydney)

Earn good money, doing work you love, without burning out.
