Great decision!

You’re booked in for the Side Business Success Workshop. Your invite info is on it’s way to your email inbox…

While you wait for it – if you’re not already part of it, come and join our Free Private Facebook Group: Side Gig September: Coaching Week – How to grow a viable full time business

Our Free Private Facebook Group is where you’ll access the support, tips and resources available to you as part of the Side Business Success Workshop and our once a year Coaching Week.

Your Next Steps:

1. Join the Facebook Group

Click the button above to request to join the Free Private Facebook Group: Side Gig September.

2. Check your email inbox

Go to your inbox for the email address you just entered… and find the email sent by me: Shandra Moran

3. Book in the Workshop

Book Thursday September 21st 6pm AEST [Sydney time] into your diary – and set a reminder so you don’t miss a minute!
Then look out for email updates including your Workbook to use for the session.

See you soon!

– Shandra Moran (your new ‘work’ friend!)

“Earn great money, doing work you love, without burning out”