You 2.5 in 2025

Create Your Best Year Yet: A Proven Framework for Service-Based Side Business Success

As the year crawls to a close, and the new one opens up, many women with a service-based side business find themselves thinking about what went well and what… didn’t. 

Looking back over your year can give clues, but true progress comes from more than just reflection and assessment of what was ‘good and bad’.

For you to create the type of business that brings you the freedom and flexibility you really want, you need a clear, actionable plan.

In this article, discover a powerful, practical framework for annual planning that will help you create a thriving business that gives you the impact and income you’re looking for in part-time hours.

1. Start with Reflection: Learn from the Past


“The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come.”

– Author unknown


There are invaluable lessons to be gained from looking back, especially when it comes to setting goals for your future. That’s why it’s an essential first step in any effective goal setting process.

Before you start to think about setting new goals, give yourself the gift of just a little time to reflect on the past year.

Ask yourself:

  • What were my biggest wins?
  • What lessons did I learn from challenges?
  • What distractions took me off course?

Reflection isn’t just about looking back—it’s about gaining insight into how your circumstances and your mindset influenced your action taking and therefore your results.

The clarity you get from a reflection process will help you move forward with greater purpose and focus.


Doing goal setting by yourself is really challenging – that’s why so few people actually do it!

If you want a step by step process to guide you to do the best planning possible to set you and your Business up for maximum growth in 2025, get instant access to our 2025 Vision and Planning Workshop here.

2. Envision Your Future: Dream Without Limits


“A vision is not just a picture of what could be, it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more” 

– Rosabeth Moss Kanter


If you’re reading this, then more than likely it’s because you want something more for yourself, for the people you care about most and the clients that you know you can help. 

You can see and feel something more ahead for yourself. More meaningful, more rewarding, more impactful.

When you have big dreams and aspirations, tapping into ‘Future You’ is a fantastic way to give yourself a horizon line to move towards.

Allow yourself to imagine your ideal life and business in the future. Ask yourself:

  • What does success look like in my business and personal life?
  • What experiences, opportunities, and lifestyle do I want to create?

Creating a vision helps you identify what truly matters, which means you can ensure your goals for the year ahead align with your most inspiring, motivating and unique definition of success for yourself.

3. Define Your “One Big Thing”


“What is one thing, such that by doing it everything else becomes easier or unnecessary?” 

– The One Thing by Gary Kellor and Jay Papasan


This book is a must read for anyone growing a business – especially one that starts as a side business.

As someone with a solo or side business, your time is a super valuable, non-renewable resource.

Most likely, you’re frequently pulled in many directions at once, which means you need total clarity about what you really want.

Instead of setting dozens of goals, which adds to, or creates overwhelm, choose one major goal that will create the most meaningful impact in your business next year.

You can consider:

  • If I accomplish this one thing, how will my life and business change?
  • What will happen if I don’t pursue this goal?

This focused approach prevents overwhelm and keeps your efforts concentrated on what truly matters – to you and to your business growth.


This is a simple process, but it is much easier to do when you have support and guidance to help you actually do it!

If you want a step by step process to guide you to do the best planning possible to set you up for a cracking 2025, get instant access to our 2025 Vision and Planning Workshop here.

4. Break It Down: Turn Big Goals into Manageable Projects


“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing towards what will be.”

– Khalil Gibran

The vast majority of people don’t actually set goals, and even the few who do can still get derailed by large goals that feel intimidating.

The secret step is to break them into smaller projects. 

Choose just a couple of key focus areas that will move you closer to your “One Big Thing.” Each of these will then open up ideas of specific projects that you can work on to achieve the end result you’re looking for.

Make sure each goal is:

  • Specific – Clearly defined, so you know exactly what to do.
  • Measurable – So you can track progress and stay accountable.
  • Actionable – Within your control and achievable through small steps 
5. Anticipate Challenges: Stay Resilient and Resourceful


“There’s always gonna be setbacks; there’s always gonna be knockdowns.
There’s always gonna be people telling you, ‘Hey, you suck!’”

– Post Malone

Thanks for that Post Malone 😅

In my experience coaching 1000’s of Australian small business owners over the last 10 years, the voice that is most likely to say that you suck, is your own inner voice. So if your inner mean girl has already been vocal, just know that you’re not alone.

Every human has a critical inner voice and every business journey comes with obstacles—time constraints, financial pressures, mindset struggles, and family, or caring responsibilities. Being prepared for these hurdles will help you navigate challenges with greater confidence.

To help anticipate them it’s important to ask yourself:

  • What potential roadblocks might I face?
  • How can I overcome them with creativity and s
  • What support would I benefit from?

Your Mindset plays a critical role throughout every stage of business — getting the right support, staying connected to your long term vision and your reason “why” will help keep your motivation alive, even when the road gets tough and the inevitable setbacks kick in.

6. Celebrate Wins: Make Progress Meaningful


“Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of yourself every step of the way.”

― Stephanie Averkamp

Being proud of who you are and what you are creating is such an important and motivating emotion to tap into. 

Being ‘on your way’ to a future that you want to create is a world away from just dreaming about it but not doing anything to make progress.

You don’t have to wait until you’ve hit your ultimate end goal to celebrate. Build in mini milestones and rewards to help you stay energized along the way. This could be as simple as:

  • Enjoying a special meal or memento 
  • Treating yourself to a relaxing day off
  • A midweek movie or weekend outing

Small celebrations remind you that your effort and progress is worth acknowledging—and that being in business is playing the long game, so it’s ok (if not required!!!) to have fun whilst you build your ideal future life and business.

Ready to Turn Your Vision into Reality?

If you like the idea of having clear goals for the year ahead, but you’d like step-by-step guidance to set inspiring and motivating plans for your year ahead, enrol in my 2025 Vision and Planning Workshop.

In this instant-access workshop, you’ll be guided through this proven process with practical exercises, expert tips, and real-life examples to help you create your personalised action plan. For a limited time, you can find out more and get instant access here.

Get Instant Access to the 2025 Vision and Planning Workshop Here → Now

Successful annual planning isn’t just about writing down your goals—it’s about creating a clear, motivating roadmap that helps you: 

  1. stay focused 
  2. anticipate and overcome challenges 
  3. and celebrate every success you have along the way. 

By embracing this practical process, you’ll set yourself up for a year of meaningful progress and growth as you create a business and life that you love.

x Shandra

Shandra Moran

Shandra Moran is a business coach who is passionate about helping women create personal and financial freedom through their own business.
She helps them do that through private coaching programs and her solo business growth group called Women in Transit.
In 2025 she will be launching a brand new program focused on Marketing Essentials for service-based Solo and Side businesses.